The Wall Street Journal published an insightful article on Special Needs Planning in its Family Finances Section on October 9, 2008."An Estate Plan Built for Special Needs" highlights the emotional and financial challenges facing parents with special needs children and commonly employed planning methods. Special Needs Planning  and Special Needs Trusts are not limited to family with special needs loved ones, but also to adults who find themselves unexpectedly encountering special needs mid-life, to those who require long term care and to the elderly. In addition to those issues touched upon by the Article, Special Needs Planning often times requires structuring the settlement of personal injury lawsuits and negotiating third party liability liens, and close coordinating with healthcare providers and public benefit agencies.

Tucker Arensberg, P.C. has a capable and dedicated team Special Needs and Estate Planning Team that strategies and advocates on behalf of valued firm clients. Click below to see our unique services:

Contact Nora E. Gieg at 412-594-3940 and Jamie D. Aul, at
(412) 594-3923 if you have any questions or would like additional information on this topic.