The Oklahoma Supreme Court has decided  the Oklahoma Peer Review statute (Professional Review Bodies – Protection From Liability Act) does not provide blanket immunity to peer review bodies in Oklahoma. The statute is only a defense to liability if the peer review body meets all of the requirements of the Act. In Smith v. Deaconess Hospital, a copy of which is attached at the link below, the Oklahoma Supreme Court overruled a trial court decision granting the hospital’s motion to dismiss and remanded the case for further proceedings. Among the significant shortcomings described by the Court, was the inability of Dr. Smith to cross examine the author of a peer review report of Dr. Smith’s cases and the failure to follow the bylaw procedures. The Oklahoma statute is reproduced in the text of the opinion, and it follows the structure of the requirements of the Health Care Quality Improvement Act, i.e., it establishes four similar conditions for qualified immunity and provides for specific procedural rights.$File/Smith%20v%20Deaconess%20Hospital.htm