The AMA issued the following news release regarding the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate Medicare physician fee cuts scheduled to go into effect on JUne 1, 2010.
Congress failed to address this year’s Medicare physician payment cut before the June 1 deadline next week. Although the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation at the last minute to suspend cuts for another 19 months, the U.S. Senate left for a week-long Memorial Day recess without taking action. When Congress returns from their vacation on June 7, the Senate is expected to take up the House-passed bill.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services already issued instructions to its contractors to postpone processing claims for Medicare physician services provided on or after June 1 for 10 days to provide time for Congress to complete its action and overturn the scheduled cut retroactive to June 1.
The new proposal being considered by Congress would provide payment updates of 2.2 percent for the remainder of 2010 and an additional 1 percent increase in 2011. However, in 2012 the SGR formula will once again go into effect and payments will be cut by an estimated 33 percent!