The members of Western Pennsylvania chapter of the Health Information Management Systems Society ("WPHIMSS") have elected board members for the 2011-2012 session.  Tucker Arensberg, P.C. attorney Lee Kim has been elected as a board member at-large.


More specifically, the following individuals have been elected to provide chapter leadership for the fiscal year of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012:

Immediate Past President.. Mohamad Arif Ali, MD
President Stephanie Hackett
President-Elect Robert Sheesley, CBA, FLMI
Treasurer Arch Maharaja, Ed.D, CFP, CPA/PFS
Secretary Jan Dougherty, RN, BSN
Directors-at-Large (alphabetically): Liz Evans, RN
Lee Kim
Chris Meyer, RN, PhD
Sean O’Rourke, MS
Rebecca Parsons, MS
Otto Salguero
Jay Srini
Debra Waddell, MSN, CPHIMS

Student Liaison ………………………………. Sarah Ishani

Current President-Elect Stephanie Hackett, PhD will assume the role of President and current President Mohamad Arif Ali, MD becomes Immediate Past-President effective July 1, 2011.