Contributed by: Lee Kim, Esq.
Thursday evening networking 3/8/12 & Educational Seminar Friday 3/9/12 Doubletree Pittsburgh
The Consulate General of Canada in Buffalo, along with their partner, the Western Pennsylvania HIMSS Chapter, is hosting a Canada – US Healthcare Technology Summit in Pittsburgh, PA.
As total annual U.S. healthcare costs have passed $2 trillion, the role of healthcare and technology has taken center stage both in Washington and on Wall Street. The U.S. has embarked on a major overhaul of its healthcare system and is seeking to reduce costs and improve patient care utilizing information technology and mobile communications, as well as through the adoption of advanced care delivery and reimbursement models.
The eHealth Summit’s goal is to foster partnerships and identify opportunities for synergies between Canadian health IT companies and United States hospitals and health Insurers, to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions leading to improved outcomes and lowered costs.
Registration details and other details on participation are forthcoming and will be posted here by way of update.