I am inserting a link to the third in a series of articles published by the Allegheny County Medical Society regarding Medicare Payment Reform pursuant to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA).
This article deals with Advanced Alternative Payment Models, and provides basic information on how provider groups can qualify for a 5% Medicare Part B incentive payment, and be exempt from the potential negative MIPS payment adjustments. The MACRA 5% bonuses for APM participation will start in 2019, assuming the provider groups meet the participation and reporting requirements in 2017 and 2018.
I think it is safe to assume the Trump efforts to repeal Obama Care will not impact the current MACRA rules in the short term, but it is probably not safe to assume that future changes will not be made.
Use this link to view the article “Macranomics: Advanced Alternative Payment Models” .
For additional information contact Mike Cassidy.