During the American Bar Association’s 39th National Institute on White Collar Crime, the most senior executives of the DOJ (Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco) delivered remarks promoting the success of DOJ compliance and enforcement by:

  • Emphasizing the DOJ’s top priority being the prosecution of “corner office bad actors”
  • Publicizing the success of the voluntary disclosure program
  • Emphasizing the important role of compensation clawbacks by audit/compliance and executive compensation committees with respect to receiving comparable credit against potential fines and restitution
  • Continuing to emphasize and promote the opportunity for credit for cooperation during investigations and whistleblower cooperation, and announced that DOJ is initiating a new corporate fraud/misconduct whistleblower program focused on compliance opportunities not already impacted by existing whistleblower and quitam programs.

Here are links to the remarks of Attorney General Garland and Deputy Attorney General Monaco.